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16 May 2019

10 Little Details for Your Big Move

10 Little Details for Your Big Move

No, this isn’t just another “moving tips” blog/tips/ultimate checklist (the internet is already filled with those). This is a tried and true list of little details that most people tend to miss or forget during the madness of moving your home, along with the other humans/pets in it. Save yourself the headache by skimming and fully digesting this list of “hacks” that will make your upcoming move a breeze.

1. Too busy to research apartments and just want to tour 2-3 before making up your mind? Get an apartment locator! Your area probably has a few and believe us when we say that they were sent down from the heavens to make your life 10,000 times easier. During the moving season, most apartments get “competitive” and they offer concessions such as 1 or 2 months off, no app fee, etc. Apartment locators will work with your budget and your ‘must have’ list and will give you a straight to the point list on all the apartments, in your areas of choice, with the best deals! All you have to do is tour them (or not if you’re feeling spontaneously risky) and you basically cut your part of the apartment search by 90%.

2. If you are going to use movers, don’t make your decision right away! Most movers will contact you a couple of times after your initial quote call and give you discounts that weren’t offered from the start. Another great way to dig for these discounts is to simply go through their socials! Most moving companies are now in with the times and they get that giving discounts and freebies over their Instagram feed is 10 times more effective than sending them out via snail mail.

3. De-stress you and your pet’s lives by booking daycare during the big-move day. It’s much easier said than done thinking that your pet will be fine if he’s kenneled up while the movers are running in and out of your home, but this can actually stress them out more than you think. Besides the fact that they’re seeing strangers go into their territory all day, you’ll also need to worry about transporting them to your new home after and keep them kenneled while everything is getting moved in. Make your life easier by booking daycare and picking them up after the movers are out of the new home.

4. Save your money and buy plastic bins instead! If you don’t have the time to look for free moving boxes, save your money by buying storage bins. While your upfront cost may be a little more than buying moving boxes, you’ll end up saving money by the fact that you can still use these bins for storage in your new home! Moving boxes usually end up getting recycled or given away soon after moving, while storage bins can last you years and are a lot more durable!

5. Along the same lines as the tip above, use every bag and luggage to move your stuff. You can easily pack all of your shoes in a carryon bag and avoid using a box all together. You can pack heavier items into your luggage bags such as your pots and pans. This will save your back from carrying a heavy box by just rolling the bag instead.

6. You’re just going home at the end, but you should still pack an overnight bag. Chances are that you’ll be too tired to unpack after the big move. Take it easy and just pack a small bag with clothes for the night/next morning and your essentials such as toiletries and your electronic chargers.

7. Already know your exact moving date? Start switching over your address. This is a no-brainer for most people and one that you see on most “moving tips/hacks/life-changing ultimate list”, BUT most people tend to forget about their subscriptions. Your pup won’t appreciate when their Bark Box doesn’t get to their new home on time.

8. Chances are that you’re going to dismantle a couple of your big furniture pieces. No one really thinks about where they’re going to put the screws that hold it together until they’re doing it. Here’s a hack of all moving hacks: DON’T PUT THEM IN YOUR POCKET. Not only is it dangerous to just casually put screws in your pockets, but you will probably end up losing them while you’re in the hustle and bustle of moving. While you’re taking your furniture apart, put the screws and bolts inside a Ziploc bag and tape it to one of the pieces.

9. Make like Marie Kondo and simplify your life by decluttering as you pack. If you haven’t used said item in the last 6 months (and it doesn’t bring you a flower and sunshine type of happiness) then toss it or sell it.

10. PIVOT! (thumbs up if you get this reference)

If you feel like we missed a tip or two, let us know on our Facebook post! If you haven’t already, check out the low rates we’re offering before the summer highs hit: