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3 March 2016

5 Tips for House Painting Like a Pro

5 Tips for House Painting Like a Pro

Do you want a professional-looking paint job without the professional price? All you need to achieve that high-quality home paint job is enough time and these five tips for painting like a pro.


Tip #1: Sand your walls first.

If there's an imperfection on a wall, it will only become more obvious once you paint it. Take a sheet of medium-grit sandpaper, and sand down any joint compound or previous paint that's not already smooth. Then, wipe the surface down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. Let it dry completely before you apply primer.

Tip #2: Don't skimp on the primer.

Many homeowners figure that since they never see the primer, it's okay to buy the "cheap stuff" and apply it quickly. However, a bad primer job will result in an uneven paint finish. Choose a high-quality primer, and apply it in even, careful strokes just as you would if it were your top-coat. If you'll be using a brush to paint, use a brush for the primer, too. If you'll be using a roller for the paint, roll on your primer.


Tip #3: Combine all of your paint before starting.

There can be slight variations in the shades of cans of paint that are meant to be the same color. To avoid having one portion of your walls look a bit lighter or darker, take all of your cans of a color and dump them into a large bucket. Give the paint a thorough stir to make sure it is evenly combined. Large, plastic buckets also tend to be easier to seal than paint gallons, so your paint's moisture level won't decrease as you store it.

Tip #4: Use the right tape, and apply it correctly.

Plain, beige masking tape won't cut it—this tape is too sticky and will peel the paint off your wall. Instead, opt for tape sold as "painter's tape." It is often purple or blue in color. When you apply the tape, do so in short sections so that you can thoroughly press each section down. Run a putty knife along each section of tape to thoroughly seal it to the wall.

When you're done painting, peel the tape off as soon as the paint is dry. If you wait too long, the paint will adhere too strongly to the tape, and you'll risk peeling the paint off the wall.


Tip #5: Load your brush or roller properly.

If you're using a paint brush, load it by dipping it halfway into the paint, and then tapping it on the side of the bucket to remove excess. Do not wipe the brush—you'll take off too much paint. When loading a roller, dip one side about 1/2 inch into the paint, and then roll it back and forth across the rolling board until the paint is evenly distributed.

Your home is the most personal space you have, so it's important to decorate it in a way that speaks to your own needs and preferences. Check out our Home Insights Blog where you can see more home decorating, painting, and moving tips. Brought to you by Frontier Utilities where you have a choice of a wide range of electricity plans at historically low rates.


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