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1 November 2014

How to Lower Your Bill This Winter

Community Partners

As the seasons change, so does your electricity bill. It’s easy to avoid unnecessary bill increases by practicing easy energy saving tips that will leave you with a heavier wallet and peace of mind. You don’t need to sacrifice your warmth to guarantee a lower bill in the winter months either!

Simply lowering your heat 1-2° degrees makes a difference. When you’re not home during the day, cut your heat down 10° to 15° and allow Mother Nature to do the work. Adjusting your thermostat to around 55° for eight hours a day can save you up to 10% on your heating bill. Use natural resources to organically warm your home by opening blinds or drapes on windows that get direct sunlight. Just remember to close them at night.

During the winter season, many families also take advantage of fireplaces to not only warm their homes, but create lasting memories. When you’re not using your fireplace, close the damper. You wouldn’t leave a window open during the day. Leaving a fireplace damper open is just as wasteful, allowing warm air to slip through the chimney.

Some families prefer to utilize their fireplaces for decorative purposes only. If this is the case, seal the chimney flue to conserve all heat in your home.

By incorporating these simple practices in your daily life, you’ll guarantee a budget friendly winter.
