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31 October 2017

#FrontierGivesBack and Plays Some Kickball!

#FrontierGivesBack and Plays Some Kickball!


With a little bit of spirit and a lot of fun in mind several Frontier Utilities employees took on the challenge and participated in the fourth annual Sugarland Skeeters Baseball Foundation Kickball Classic hosted by the Skeeters Foundation. 

The Foundation's event  promotes youth education and healthy activities for culturally, racially and economically diverse populations in the Fort Bend county and surrounding areas.


   On September 23rd the Frontier Shockers sporting orange and white baseball Ts took the field to support the Foundation. Even though they did not come home with the win, the idea was more so about going out there to have fun with coworkers and the knowledge they were doing it to support a good cause.

It is important to remember to give back to community and getting to relive your childhood playing a favorite game is not a bad way to do so.
