Billing Statement Format

How to Read Your Bill

Here are some of the most important features that can be found on your Frontier Utilities billing statement.

Please note that standard Residential and Commercial statements are virtually identical, except for the TDU Delivery Charges. On Residential bills, all TDU charges are combined into a single line item; on Commercial bills, these fees are itemized as separate charges.

See the Billing Terms  page for more information on the terms and line items that appear on your bill.

Frontier - Sample Bill Section A

  • Account Number – You will need this number for any account-related inquiries. 

  • Amount Due – The amount required by the due date to avoid a late payment penalty.

  • Due Date – Your payment is due on this date.

Frontier - Sample Bill Section B

  • Invoice Date – The date your bill was issued.

  • Opening Balance – The total amount due from your previous bill.

  • Balance Forward – The difference between the Opening Balance and Payment. If you made any payments after this invoice was issued, a balance may still appear.

  • Electricity Charges – This is a summary of Energy Charges from Frontier Utilities plus any applicable taxes.

  • TDU Charges – This is a summary of the charges from your utility provider plus any applicable taxes.

  • Total Amount Due – The amount required to be paid by the due date. May include balances from the preceding bill and payments made since the preceding bill.

Frontier - Sample Bill Section C

  • ESI – The unique identifier created for your meter location by your TDU.

  • Address – The address where electric service is being provided.

  • Meter Number – The number assigned to the electric meter at your premise by the TDU.

  • Meter Read Date – The date range in the meter reading cycle reflected on the bill.

  • Read Type – The meter reading may fall under two different types:

    • TDU Actual Read – A reading obtained from the meter by the TDU.

    • TDU Estimated Read – A meter reading that was estimated by the TDU.

  • Previous Meter Read – The ending meter reading from your last billing cycle.

  • Current Meter Read – The ending meter reading from your current billing cycle.

  • Multi (Multiplier) – This number is used by the TDU to help determine the power usage for the billing cycle. Most residences do not use a large amount of energy, so the multiplier is typically shown as “1.”

  • kWh Usage – This is determined by subtracting the Previous Meter Read from the Current Meter Read.

  • Total Usage – Total amount of electricity consumed during the service dates shown. This is determined by multiplying the kWh Usage by the Multiplier. On the sample bill shown here, the calculation would be: (9421 – 9147) * 1 = 274 kWh.

Frontier - Sample Bill Section D

  • Billing Period – The date range that electric service was provided for this billing period.

  • Energy Charge – The amount of electricity you used (shown in kWh) times the price you pay per kWh in the current billing period. This is one component of your average price.

  • Rate – Identifies the account’s current rate plan, as determined by your contract.

  • PUC Assessment – A fee assessed to recover the statutory fee for administering the Public Utility Regulatory Act. This fee is not determined by Frontier Utilities.

  • Gross Receipts Tax Reimbursement – This is the fee assessed to recover the miscellaneous gross receipts tax imposed on retail electric providers operating in an incorporated city or town having a population of more than 1,000, according to the last federal census. This fee is not determined by Frontier Utilities.

  • Miscellaneous other fees and taxes – The PUCT website provides information on other fees that may appear on your invoice. Please refer to  the PUCT website  for more information.

Frontier - Sample Bill Section E

  • TDU Charges and Taxes (Various) – This portion of the statement contains a list of charges for the current billing period from the customer’s Transmission and Distribution Utility, or TDU (the utility that owns or operates the equipment or facilities to transmit or distribute electricity to the location). These charges from the TDU are called “pass-through” charges, since they are charged to the customer by the TDU and “passed through” to the customer on the Frontier Utilities statement without markup.

  • TDU Delivery Charges – The total amounts assessed by a TDU for the delivery of electricity to a customer over poles and wires and other TDU facilities, not including discretionary charges. These charges are adjusted several times a year to reflect changes in TDU charges resulting from federal, state, or local laws or regulatory actions. Refer to your Electricity Facts Label (EFL) for additional details. You can also view  the current TDU charges   on our web site.

  • PUC Assessment – Identifies the account’s current rate plan, as determined by your contract.

  • PUC Assessment – A fee assessed to recover the statutory fee for administering the Public Utility Regulatory Act. This fee is not determined by Frontier Utilities.

Frontier - Sample Bill Section F

  • Average Price Paid for Electric Service – A calculation intended to show you how much you paid overall per kWh for this billing period for most recurring charges. The average price paid for electric service is not the rate used to calculate your bill and will vary each month according to your usage.

  • Contract End Date – Customers on a fixed-rate plan will see the actual date when the contract ends. For customers on variable rate plans, this area will be blank.