We've provided answers to commonly asked questions regarding electricity service. If you don't find the answers you are looking for, please email us at care@frontierutilities.com, or contact our Frontier Customer Care Representatives at 1-866-777-5158.
Deregulation is the opening of a market to competition in a previously regulated industry. Texas Senate Bill 7, on January 1, 2002, created a deregulated electricity industry in Texas, allowing many consumers the opportunity to buy electricity from any Retail Electricy Provider (REP) they choose. Many consumers no longer have only one option for electricity. They can shop around for the best plan and, in many cases, lower their electric bill. Not all of Texas was deregulated. Certain municipalities still have an entity that continues to provide their electric service, but approximately 75% of Texas is deregulated.
The main change occurred when the large companies that previously had a monopoly on the electricity business were forced to split divisions into their specialties. They divided into three parts — Generation (making the electricity), Transmission and Distribution "TDSP" (transporting the electricity from the generator to the home or business) and Retail (buying wholesale electricity and selling and billing individual customers). Other companies were created at this time to also compete in the Retail portion of the electricity business as Retail Electric Providers (REPs). You now get to choose a REP who buys bulk electricity and sells to you — while the electricity is still delivered to you as reliably as ever, over the same wires you have always had.
No. Your electricity will always be delivered via the same wires and meter you have now.
If you have a meter which has spinning visible discs (dial meter), you must read the dials. Write down the number that the pointer has just passed. This can be tricky as the dial pointers do not all travel in the same direction. The first, third and fifth dials are numbered clockwise, while the second and fourth dials are numbered counterclockwise. If a hand is directly on a number, look at the dial to its immediate right. If that dial's hand has just passed zero, write down the number that the left dial is pointing to. If the dial to the right has not passed zero yet, write down the last number that the dial on the left has passed. If you have a new "Smart Meter" with digital numbers, you simply read them as displayed.
The current reading can be used to determine how much electricity you have used since your last bill. Simply subtract last month's reading from the reading you took from your meter. The result is the number of kilowatt-hours you have used since your last reading.
When shopping for electricity, you will run across quite a few acronyms and terms. Here are a few more common ones. If you need more info, please feel free to call Frontier Customer Care at 1-866-926-8192.
- Base Charge
- A charge assessed during each billing cycle without regard to the customer's demand or energy consumption.
- Demand Charge
- A charge based on the rate at which electric energy is delivered to or by a system at a given instant, or averaged over a designated period, during the billing cycle.
- EFL – Electricity Facts Label
- A document provided with any product which clearly states the average rate at 500 kWH, 1000 kWh and 2000 kWH usages. The rates should include ALL recurring charges that you will incur.
- Energy Charge
- A charge based on the electric energy (kWh) consumed.
- ERCOT – Electricity Reliability Council of Texas
- ERCOT operates the huge electric grid and manages the deregulated market. They make sure there is ample energy in the grid at all times to supply demand.
- ESI or ESIID – Electric Service Identifier ID
- This is a number which identifies the service location. It never changes and will always identify that specific geographic location, even if a meter is changed or removed.
- Late Payment Penalty
- A charge assessed for late payment in accordance with Public Utility Commission rules.
- kW
- Kilowatt, the standard unit for measuring electricity demand, equal to 1,000 watts.
- kWh – Kilowatt Hour
- kWh – Kilowatt Hour Kilowatt-hour, the standard unit for measuring electricity energy consumption, equal to 1,000 watt-hours.
- PUC or PUCT – Public Utility Commission of Texas
- This is the governing body that makes electricity rules in the state of Texas. They have authority over everything from generation to retail.
- REP – Retail Electric Provider
- A REP sells electricity to retail customers in the areas of Texas that have been deregulated. A REP buys wholesale electricity, delivery service, and related services, prices electricity for customers, and sells electricity at retail.
- TDSP – Transmission and Distribution Service Provider
- The local wires and poles company that is responsible for making sure that you get power at your home or business. They are responsible for everything involving the wires, poles and your meter. For example, CenterPoint Energy is the TDSP in the Houston area — in Dallas it is Oncor).
- TOS – Terms of Service
- The TOS is a document outlining all the terms and conditions related to electricity service. These rules set out the rights and responsibilities of both Frontier and the customer.
Signing Up
- Fixed Term or Guaranteed Plans
- You pay a single rate for a specified amount of time. The rate will not go up or down for the length of the term.
- Month-to-Month Variable Rate Plans
- You are not locked into any long-term contract and your rate may vary from month to month.
You can quickly and easily sign up online by clicking here.
Deregulation and Electricity Business
You will receive a copy of the Terms of Service in your new customer Welcome Pack. If you'd like to read them before you sign up, there is a link beside each product on the product selection page. Current customers can also call a Frontier Customer Care Representative to have one mailed or emailed to you.
It depends on the product you choose. Month-to-month products do not have a cancellation fee. A fixed term product most likely has a cancellation fee if you cancel your agreement before the term expires. Everything is included in your EFL and TOS.
Some of our online products required that your account be set up on auto pay and e-billing in order for you to continue to enjoy your low rate since both of these options offer time and monetary savings to both you and Frontier. Choosing to opt out of either requirement may cause your rate to increase .05 per KWH.
Frontier Utilities Electricity Plans
Click the "My Account" link. It will pull up a window that will allow you to either login or sign up. If you provided login details during enrollment, you can simply login. If not, you will be asked to create a login with your customer number and then you will have access.
You can do several things, including: Check your balance; pay your bill; pull up PDF images of your past invoices and setup and edit recurring payments.
You should contact your local TSDP. The contact phone numbers are listed on your invoice. They are also here for your reference: